€ 1.770


€ 1.500


This campaign has been ended.

Buy a pitch fork and support Australia

These 26 photos show the drama of what is currently happening in Australia

Our golf heart is crying …

In addition to the horrible images we have seen on the news and social media, we have also seen a great number of initiatives that give hope the last couple of weeks. On the one hand to fight forest fires, on the other hand to help affected people and animals.

We have therefore decided to develop a special pitch fork with the proceeds (€ 7.50 ex VAT per pitch fork) going to Australia. Our goal is to raise a minimum of € 1,500. We therefore call on all golfers to help us achieve this goal.

The pitch fork

The pitch fork is robust, foldable, in the color red (what else) and with a 25 mm marker. The quality is so good, that we give you a one-year warranty.

Own design or Aussie design

You can choose from a pitch fork with a marker with Australian wildlife, the Australian flag or a dot painting made especially for this project. Or you can upload a photo or logo yourself in the shopping basket. Give it as a gift to friends, business relations, club members or use it for the prize table of your golf tournament.

€ 16,95 + € 3,95 shipping

Delivery time: the pitch forks will be shipped every Monday. In combination with other products the same day.

The charity

Because you, just like us, want to be sure that 100% of the proceeds go to the charity in Australia, we have decided to support Sleepy Burrows Sanctuary. Sleepy Burrows is a rescue center for wombats and is currently busy in addition to wombat relief, to expand water and food reservoirs for the animals that survived the bushfires. A very good friend of ours, Adrian Harrison, is an ambassador for Sleepy Burrows. He personally ensures that all proceeds from Sleepy Burrows are spent on the Water For Wildlife project.

Jolandi from Sleepy Burrows at work to construct a water reservoir. See video on Facebook.

Water For Wildlife
The fire may be gone, but what remains is a black landscape without plants, without water, without food. With temperatures exceeding 40 degrees, it is crucial for the remaining animals to find water and food. Sleepy Burrows has set up the Water For Wildlife project in collaboration with Wombat Rescue. Together they install water reservoirs in areas affected by the fires. A water reservoir costs € 15. With the Pitch forks for Australia project we want to have at least 100 water reservoirs funded. That is our goal. Help us, help Australia, help Sleepy Burrows. By purchasing the pitch fork you also help keep the greens nice and healthy.

Meet Blaze, Chari and Adrian

Adrian has been a good friend of ours for over 20 years. As an animal lover, he has been working as an ambassador for Sleepy Burrows Sanctuary in Gundaroo, just above Canberra, since 2017. He does this by donating money and supplies and helping in his spare time. Blaze and Chari are 2 wombats who have lost their mothers because of the bushfires and are currently being cared for together with 75 other wombats until they are strong enough to be released back into nature again. Blaze came in very weakened and with scabies and is recovering after 3 weeks due to the care of Sleepy Burrows. Chari was found last week in a cave next to her deceased mother and is Sleepy Burrows’ most recent wombat guest.

Video of Blaze & Adrian

Rather not a pitch fork, but a donation instead?

If you don’t need a pitch fork, but want to support Australia and the Sleepy Burrows Sanctuary financially, you can do so by donating an amount directly to their funding. All help is welcome and badly needed. Thanks!